From the Pastor’s Corner: Fr. Justus Alaeto
All Parish Faith-Formation, All Tuesdays of the month, Starting Tuesday, October 10, 2023
“Ask. Seek. Knock.” Matthew 7:7
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I welcome you to “All Parish Faith Formation” starting for the first time. This is a way we all can embrace the call to re-evangelize our lives. This program is set for us to go back and rediscover our faith in Christ. This program has been named “A.S.K” by name, tracing back to the Scriptural passage of Matthew 7:7 (Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock, and the door shall be opened to you). Our goal this year will solely center on ministry and re-evangelizing our faith and life in Christ.
Who will attend this program? – Open to all parishioners including those coming into the Church through the RCIA program. We added Saturdays, exclusively for the RCIA candidates for more classes and integration of faith.
Time: 5:15 pm, Tuesdays, starting with Mass, as the Center of our Worship and Source and Summits of our life, followed by short refreshment and class in the hall.
Venue: In the Parish Hall
This exciting weekly class will lead participants on a journey through salvation history and the sacramental life of the Catholic Church. The first half of the program will focus on our Lord’s great love for His people, as told in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Each week, we will delve into the story of our faith through the eyes of a question. Also, each week participants will discover the beauty of a traditional prayer, sacramental, or practice of the Catholic Church. Weekly homework is chosen to enhance our understanding of the scriptures and to invite participants to explore within themselves as they seek a deeper relationship with God and His Church. The second half of the program is a deep dive into the life of the Church, specifically through the sacraments. In addition to the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church will be our guide during this portion.
As we learn more about the beauty of the sacraments, we also learn about God’s plan for our lives and His great love for us. Join us as we ask the questions, seek the answers, and knock at the door of Christ’s heart. Finally, we will be a workbook, designed to give you information about each of our classes, provide thoughtful questions for further reflection, and space to journal. We hope it will enhance your experience this year. Also, it will be spiritually helpful, joyful, and fun. There will be coffee and half-and-half served constantly…
I look forward to seeing you, as we journey and learn together!
God’s Blessings upon you!
Fr. Justus Alaeto