Scheduling with Jesus and handing our limitations over to God are very essential to our Christian call. To do that effectively, we first need to recognize our limitations, human weaknesses, and trust in God with faith. Effective prayer goes with faith, an open heart, and a good heart. With such virtues Jesus can always uplift us anytime, strengthens us, and always multiply for us.
The feeding of the five thousand and multiplication of loaves are good examples for us to reflect upon. When Jesus throws a question to Philip on how to feed the multitudes of about five thousand, Philip immediately gave his answer without calculating with God. His answer was limited. Of course, his answer was that what they have, are not enough to feed the multitudes; and the best might be to dismiss them. Philip did not calculate with God before he gave his answer to Jesus. If Philip would have calculated with Jesus, he would have considered the power of God. He would have considered that, and with God all things are possible.
Due to how things appear in our world today with so many challenges, we sometimes have the temptation of doing little or bigger things without calculating with God. Sometimes the answer appears so correct in our heads as if we don’t necessarily need God or any prayer. Sometimes we fall into confusion in life because we do not put God at the center of our life. But, whenever we take time and prayer to consult with Jesus the Savior, it is always different, powerful, and fulfilling.
Let us pray, that no matter what we do, no matter how sure we are about things, and how much we know, especially as Christians, that we will always consult and calculate with Jesus in prayer. May this be a Blessed week, month, and year as we persevere in working with Jesus the Savior.
Fr. Justus Alaeto, Pastor